Optimization problems happen in many fields including engineering, economics and medicine. The objective of many engineering problems is to design “the best” product. “The best” needs a formal definition that is not subject to personal judgement as much as possible. In a mathematical optimization, the objective function defines “the best”. The objective function can be the description of a cost function we want to minimize or it can be a quantified description of the product’s fitness, which is required to be maximized. We live in a real world with lots of constraints. The energy is not free. The time we can spend to design the product is limited. The computation power we have is limited. The size, weight and price of the product is limited. Therefore, the optimization problems are usually defined as minimizing or maximizing an objective function considering a set of constraints. In this text, we focus on a certain class of optimization problems: convex optimization. The main importance of convex optimization problems is that there is no locally optimum point. If a given point is locally optimal then it is globally optimal. In addition, there exist effective numerical methods to solve convex optimization problems. In addition, it is possible to convert many nonconvex optimization problems to convex problems by changing the variables or introducing new variables. In this text, we will review what convex sets, functions and optimization problems are. Also, we show you numerical examples and applications of convex optimization in control systems. Also, there are many examples with the corresponding code in Python to help the reader understand how the problems are solved in practive. The Python code is based on cvxpy.
In the following, the definitions are taken from [1] unless otherwise stated. The reader is referred to the Convex Optimization book by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe for a detailed review of the theory of convex optimization and applications.